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Did You Know That These Chronic Health Problems Can Make Menopause Even Worse?

Jul 07, 2023

When a woman experiences symptoms of perimenopause or menopause, they often become unable to perform at their best in the workplace.


If they don’t receive the understanding and support they need, they are more likely to be absent from work, be less productive, creative and motivated, or even end up resigning from their role.


This means you could lose key female talent, underperform as an organisation and feel the financial impact of unnecessary recruitment.


To ensure these female employees can continue to bring their skills, experience and expertise to the organisation, employers should provide the support they need.


Ideally, this involves undergoing CPD training, attending my free webinars, creating a Menopause in the Workplace policy and using my in-depth toolkit or other resources.


But that’s not all…


However, as mentioned previously, other health conditions can mimic perimenopause or menopause and cause symptoms such as fatigue, sleep problems, pain or even cognitive difficulties that make it hard to concentrate, remember details and make decisions.


Dealing with both perimenopause/menopause and a chronic health condition is compounding, making it even more difficult for female employees to manage their job responsibilities. These combined health problems are likely to feel like a storm in a teapot for these women.


To support our female employees through perimenopause and menopause and ensure our businesses don’t suffer, we need to become more aware of what these are and ensure that information, advice and support are continually available.


Here are the most common chronic health problems experienced alongside perimenopause and menopause, followed by what you can do to help.

What are the most common chronic health problems that you should be aware of?

Alongside the other health problems that can often be mistaken for menopause, there are three others that can jeopardise workplace performance and make any perimenopause or menopause symptoms even worse.


These are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Long COVID.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)), is a complex and debilitating disorder affecting millions of people worldwide.


It’s characterised by extreme fatigue, cognitive difficulties, symptoms worsening after even the most minimal of physical or mental exertion, and other symptoms not alleviated by rest.


Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with CFS, and the condition often strikes in the prime of life. This makes it particularly challenging for women who are balancing work and family responsibilities.


Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterised by symptoms such as widespread pain, tenderness, fatigue and sleep disturbances. It affects more women than men, with estimates suggesting that up to 90% of cases occur in women. Like CFS, fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose and manage and can significantly impact women in the workplace.


Long COVID is a condition that can develop in people who have had COVID-19 and can cause a range of symptoms that can persist for weeks or even months after the initial infection. Symptoms can include fatigue, cognitive difficulties, shortness of breath, and other physical and mental health challenges. Women are more likely than men to experience persistent symptoms after COVID-19 infection, which is known as long COVID.


How can you help?

Each of these health problems can significantly impact women in the workplace, especially if they are also struggling with the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause.


However, there are many tools and resources we can use to support these women so they feel valued by the organisation and can continue to bring their skills, talent and expertise to the workplace.


By doing so, we can provide support for women going through menopause and suffering from other chronic health conditions, reduce sickness absence, improve retention rates, reduce unnecessary costs and increase productivity in the workplace.


Employees who feel supported and valued are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to increased job satisfaction and better overall outcomes for employees and employers alike.


Here are my recommendations.


✔️ Offer mental health resources and referrals where needed to support women through these problems.

✔️ Allow flexible working arrangements so women can continue to perform at their best.

✔️ Provide training for managers and team members so they can better support employees in need.

✔️ Share resources about perimenopause and menopause to help open up the conversation about menopause and offer help.

✔️ Support those who need to learn more about healthy lifestyle choices, stress reduction techniques and hormone replacement therapy.

✔️ Use my tool kit for those going through menopause. You can download the Symptoms Tracker for free here.

✔️ Create an inclusive environment in your workplace which allows everyone to feel comfortable and meet their full potential




To conclude, chronic health conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, long COVID can also affect women in the workplace and worsen any symptoms.


If employers can provide the tools and support these female employees need, they can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace, reduce absenteeism, help women perform at their best and show that they truly do value their team members.


This can help employees and employers thrive during these uncertain economic times.



Looking for Menopause in the Workplace training or help to create your menopause policy? Contact me to find out how.



Menopause & Hormone Support

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