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4 Vital Steps to Heal Your Fibroids Without Surgery

Oct 12, 2017

Over the last few weeks I’ve received several emails from women who are really suffering with their symptoms of fibroids and don’t know what to do. They feel absolutely awful with the pain, the bleeding and all the other discomfort so the only option that seems open to them is a hysterectomy.

They really don’t want to resort for surgery but they don’t feel they have much choice. So what if I was to share with you the following quote?  

“French doctors almost never perform a hysterectomy for fibroids”

You see, a hysterectomy is quite a major operation that can severely impact your sense of body image, sexuality and femininity and is often completely unnecessary. And the French doctors know that.

Additionally, whilst the risk of death is low with hysterectomies, the chances of complications are said to be around 30% so you’re absolutely right in being cautious.

So is there another option? Is there really another way to beat those fibroids back into submission and be able to get on with your life again?

Actually, there is and it’s quite straightforward when you know how. Let me explain a bit about what fibroids are and what they mean for your body before I dive into how you can heal them naturally.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids (also called uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas) are very common non-cancerous growths that appear within the uterus. They’re made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue and can cause symptoms like:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Menstrual period lasting seven days or longer
  • Bloating or fullness in the stomach/pelvic region
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder
  • Constipation
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Backache or leg pains
  • Reproductive issues, including infertility and miscarriages

It’s important for you to know that most women suffer from fibroids at some point in their life, even though they might not realise it, suffer from any typical symptoms or be diagnosed.

Often the first sign that there’s a problem is a period which lasts more than 7 days or heavy bleeding. Also important to note is the fact that fibroids can’t become cancerous.

Fibroids tend to run in families (especially if your mother or sister suffered from them). You’re also more likely to develop fibroids if you are obese, eating a poor quality diet, have high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism or are taking birth control (as it increases the amount of oestrogen in the body.)

The hormonal link between oestrogen and fibroids

The hormones oestrogen and progesterone are responsible for the growth of all the tissue in your uterus. This includes both the normal tissue that your body grows then sheds every month in the form of your period, and also those dreaded fibroids.

In fact, fibroids have been found to contain more oestrogen and progesterone receptor cells than normal uterine muscle cells and they also tend to shrink when women go through the menopause (when their oestrogen supply decreases significantly.)

This means that the more oestrogen you have in your body, the more likely you are to suffer with fibroids, and the bigger they are likely to be.

Here’s how to heal your fibroids the natural way…

The great news is that you don’t have to bend under the pressure of your GP and go ahead a hysterectomy if this is something you really don’t want to do. There are plenty of other ways you can treat your fibroids without ever turning to surgery or mainstream medication. Remember- fibroids aren’t cancerous so, unless they’re causing you a huge amount of discomfort, it’s very safe to seek an alternative first.

As I just mentioned, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone in your body have a huge role to play in the development of fibroids. So the best path to healing involves rebalancing your hormones and reducing the excess oestrogen in your body so you can shrink those fibroids naturally and forget all about them!

Here’s how you can do it.

1) Detox your liver

When oestrogen has done its job in your body, it heads to your liver to be broken down and finally eliminated. If your liver isn’t working optimally, you’ll start getting a back up (much like when the pipes are blocked at home!) and all that excess oestrogen will just hang around, making you sick and feeding those fibroids. We can help get rid of this excess by doing the following:

  • Use supplements such as DIM (Diindolylmethane). This is a phytochemical produced during the digestion of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower and has a powerful detoxifying effect on the liver.

  • Eat broccoli sprouts which naturally help flush out those hormones

  • Follow the additional tips we’ve shared below so those oestrogens don’t start building up again.


2) Avoid xenoestrogens (and reduce the plastics in your life)

You might have heard about xenoestrogens already- they’re those chemicals that are increasingly present around us and have an oestrogenic effect on our bodies. This artificial oestrogen can wreak havoc within our bodies, jeopardising our health and worsening those fibroids.

Unfortunately, these substances are absolutely everywhere these day and can be difficult to avoid altogether, however, we can certainly reduce our exposure.

Avoid pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, bleach, food preservatives, harmful cleaners, food dyes, bleached feminine care products, chemical cosmetics, opt for organic, avoid plastic wrap, buy hormone-free meat, skip those plastic water bottles and do everything you can to avoid these xenoestrogens.

For a more complete list, have a look at this website.  


3) Boost your progesterone production

Adequate progesterone in your body and help to relieve those symptoms you’re suffering from and even help your fibroids to shrink back down or even disappear completely. Remember, your oestrogen and progesterone levels need to be in perfect balance for optimal health, so this won’t just tackle your problems but improve your overall health too. We can do this by:

  • Reducing stress: Stress robs your body of the vital hormone precursor pregnenolone which means your body can’t use it to make enough progesterone (which is what we really want). Tackle your stress and you’ll automatically increase the amount of progesterone present in your body and immediately make a difference to your health. Yes, this can be a challenging task and it can take some time, but it’s well worth it. Review your life, make self-care a priority and lose some of the obligations. You’ll feel so much better.
  • Increase your intake of healthy fats: Your body needs fats to produce enough hormones so make sure you’re including plenty of them in your diet. Choose avocados, oily fish, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, ghee.

  • Take Vitex (Agnus Castus): Vitex is a powerful herb which can really help pre-menopausal women (who are still having a period) to rebalance their hormones and increase those progesterone levels. I’d recommend speaking to a practitioner as it can dry some women out.

4) Eat foods which help you heal your fibroids

And finally, the best place to focus on when it comes to healing any type of physical problem is with your diet. Generally, think about getting as much fresh, unprocessed produce as you can and cook from scratch as much as possible.

Also make sure you include the following foods which will specifically help those fibroids:

  • Green leafy veggies: These contain vitamin K which help control any bleeding.
  • Foods rich in beta-carotene: Foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, kale and spinach are high in this antioxidant which helps promote the growth of healthy tissues as well as the repair of those tissues.

  • Cruciferous foods: Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage help balance your oestrogen levels and support liver detoxification. Pile them up!

  • Foods high in iron: If bleeding is a problem for you you’ll be losing iron. Eat grass-fed beef, green leafy veg, beans, lentils and black sesame seeds.

The steps I’ve suggested here are very straightforward, but don’t let that fool you. They’re all powerful ways you can get rid of your fibroids without resorting to surgery.

A hysterectomy isn’t your only option- you can heal yourself naturally.

Remember, fibroids aren’t at all life-threatening so don’t rush into doing anything- think it all through carefully and make your decision with care so you can find the solution that works best for you.

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