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6 Ways to Shake Off Negativity and Low Mood

Nov 25, 2017

We tend to think that it’s somehow abnormal to ever feel ‘low’ or to suffer with negative thoughts, thinking that we have to go around like a ray of sunshine, smiling from ear to ear regardless of what is going on in our lives.

And whilst this sounds ideal, it’s not too realistic. As we all know, life has its ups-and-downs and so our emotions will change over the course of a day.

You see, nature has programmed us to enjoy the world, to assess our surroundings and obviously to react to it too. When we come across something that we perceive as being a threat, either physically or psychologically, our bodies and our minds react.

Depending on what has happened, we might experience a ‘fight or flight’ reaction, or we might experience certain thoughts and emotions. These thoughts and emotions can range from anxiety, worry, panic attacks, stress, anger, distrust and general low mood and depression and ultimately, they’re there to protect you.

When your ex-boyfriend cheated on you, you experienced those thoughts and emotions to protect you from it happening again. When you got bitten by a wasp as a kid you avoided them in the future so you’d never get bitten again. When you got rejected for that dream job promotion your self confidence dipped to make sure you'd never try again so you would never get hurt again.

But the fact that this is a natural process doesn’t mean that these negative thoughts and emotions or low mood is something you have to just deal with. You can override how you feel by taking deliberate action especially when you feel you’re slipping into a cycle of doom.

In therapy we call this a ‘pattern interrupt’- we’re interrupting your pattern of anxiety and worry by placing mini lifestyle distractions such as the following useful tips. Have a read though and think how you can implement them in your own life to life your mood and break free from the destructive cycle of negative thoughts.

1. Start watching your mood and your thought patterns

Start by taking the time to quietly watch your thought patterns and your mood.

Notice things like when you’re more likely to feel low, what triggers those negative thought patterns, what or who makes you feel low on confidence, full of worry and lacking that lust for life and so on.  

The biggest benefit you’ll get from this is a deep knowledge of yourself. That in itself is priceless. You can understand how you view the world, how you react to life’s challenges and also start noticing how things like hormones, sleep, food and relationships affect how you feel.

Then of course you can start to do something about your low moods and negative thought patterns. You might decide to make your hormonal health a priority, try to get more sleep, eat healthier food, work on your relationships or even shifting those negative thought patterns so you can respond how you want to.

Importantly, you’ll also notice that your thoughts and emotions aren’t you; they’re part of you, but they’re not everything. You can take control and feel happier and more balanced again.

2. Put pen to paper

For a powerful pick-me-up and instant de-stresser, spend 20 minutes a day (or less, if you’re short on time) writing down everything positive that’s happened that particular day. It might seem like a small act, but it really helps you shift your perspective and lift your mood. You notice how much you have to feel grateful for, how much joy there is in your life and somehow, without you even noticing too much, negativity slips into the background and you feel much better.

Don’t think that you need to be writing down long lists of deep and meaningful things- simply noticing the rainbow outside or feeling thankful for having a beautiful friend is often enough.

3. Talk to a friend

As a society, we really underestimate the importance of connecting with other humans or having a support network.

We think we can be strong, independent women and do it all, keep it all inside and weather any storm. We mistakenly think that admitting to problems, negativity and stress would be showing signs of weakness, or that the people around us just wouldn’t want to hear about these things.

But that’s exactly what you should do when you’re feeling low, anxious, stressed or worried, and also when you’re not. Take a moment to consider who would be there when you need them the most, write their names down somewhere if that helps, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

4. Listen to music that makes you want to dance

Everyone feels much better when they listen to great music, don’t they? I certainly love to put music on and have a boogie around my living room whenever I get the chance!

It really works some magic- putting a smile on my face, boosting my circulation and giving that inner joy even when I’m feeling absolutely rubbish. This isn’t just anecdotal either- science has shown that music really does help boost your mood

What music does it for you? Which song always makes you feel great?

Make a promise to listen to this song and even get up there and dance. No one is watching :)

5. Start your day the right way

When you wake up tomorrow morning, I want you to give your biggest ever smile to the ceiling for about 5-10 minutes. Yes, that’s right- smile at the ceiling. You’ll probably feel a bit silly at first, and you most most likely won’t feel like it, but make the effort and you’ll soon notice how much happier you feel.

Because, put simply, smiling makes us produce happy hormones and feel good. You can even fake it if you need to- your body won’t know the difference and will soon flick that switch so you start feeling happier.

There’s a great Huffington Post article about smiling when you don’t feel like it- you can read it here. 

6. Become your own cheerleader

You’re amazing. You’re perfect exactly as you are. And it’s time to start celebrating that fact.

Love yourself, your so-called flaws and all.

You don’t need to change anything about yourself- you don’t need to lose weight, get rid of your emerging grey, overcome those hot flushes, become more confident, stop taking things so personally or do anything of that stuff. Because you’re perfect exactly as you are.

The trouble is, it’s often easy to forget that, especially when we’re surrounded by images in the media of women who seem to be living the perfect life, with their perfect bodies, and perfect partners, and perfect families and perfect everything.

It’s not about them, it’s about you. And you deserve so much more love than you’re giving yourself. How could you show yourself more love? How could you become your personal cheerleader? How could you stick up for yourself more?


Please don’t simply try to ‘cope’ with those negative thoughts and low mood, because there’s simply no need when you could be feeling much sunnier with just a few simple lifestyle tweaks.

Make it your priority to take care of your body and also give your mind some TLC. Watch your thoughts, put pen to paper, talk to a friend, listen to great music, smile at the ceiling and become your biggest cheerleader and you will feel so much better.

If you’re suffering from low mood or anxiety, sign up for my FREE webinar so I can help you more. Click to find out more.

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