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Taking Control of the Menopause and Overcoming an Autoimmune Diseaseā€¦ with Julia Reid

Oct 11, 2016

This is the first of a series of interviews where we sit down for a chat with our some of our lovely clients and allow them to share their stories with you.

This week we’re starting with the gorgeous Julia Reid who took control and fought back against her difficult symptoms of the menopause, as well as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, heart palpitations, thyroid disease and even binge eating. As you’re about to discover, she’s now full of energy, glowing with health, and feels like a new woman. Read on to learn more about her story.

Hi Julia! Can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

Hi, my name is Julia, and I’m coeliac, vegetarian, lactose intolerant and used to struggle with all the usual symptoms of the menopause like hot flushes, weight gain, tiredness, sleepless nights, failing sex drive and depression.

When I was diagnosed as a coeliac 20 years ago (after 20 years of being very ill all the time), there was very little available in the shops and eating out was a nightmare. Eventually, I developed an eating disorder…The trouble is, most people I went to for help decided that my eating issues were down to an issue I had from my childhood so focused on that…

Eventually I found someone who listened to me and who immediately realised that because I couldn’t eat many foods, when I found something I could eat, then I basically lost the plot. My mind shut down and I would "wake up" surrounded by the wrappers of all the horrendously fattening gluten free things I had binged on. I had no idea I was doing it until after the event. Needless to say my weight piled on, and the more depressed one gets, the more one comfort eats...

Having one auto-immune disease means we are more likely to have others, and so my thyroid blipped out next, and then I also developed a heart condition (tachycardia).  I’ve been having treatment for each issue for years now and seemed to spend my entire life popping pills.

Before I met Pamela, I was at a very low place in my life.

How did you discover Pamela & her wellness company Smarter Change?

There was time when I was feeling at absolute rock bottom. I hated myself and the more I tried to do something about it, anything about it, the more stressed I became and the more I binged... Stress is my trigger for binge eating...

Then I noticed something on Facebook about a woman called Pamela who seemed to offer all the answers. I was running out of options, so I decided to contact her and pluck up the courage to travel to Nottingham (where she is based)- a 1 ½ hr journey from home.   I felt nervous about working with her initially as it was a big commitment- I had failed every time in the past, and then there was the financial investment to take into consideration. Would I be wasting my money and her time when (not if) I failed again?

But I had nothing to worry about. The minute I met her, everything felt right. This beautiful lady actually listened, understood and cared about ME!  She knew how I was feeling and accepted everything I threw at her- whether it was regarding my struggles with the menopause or all my other problems. She accepted that all this was part of me, and also part of the problem.

What kind of treatment plan have you been following?

Pamela and I have worked together for quite a while face-to-face in Nottingham and also via Skype. I’ve followed each session, each video and made sure to take plenty of session notes. We’ve had hypnosis, chats, laughs, tears, texts, messages and guidance all the way.

She also referred me to her colleague who is a medical herbalist and I was put on a regime of tonics, magnesium, iodine, and herbal teas to boost my minerals, vitamins, general absorption issues, and allergies and intolerances.

They both understand that the body is a complete unit, and if one part is out of sync, then other parts will likely be affected. They don’t believe that lots of little problems should be treated individually, which is amazing.


What kind of results have you noticed from working with Pamela? Which means the most to you?

Wow yes, of course. We’ve worked hard on my nutrient absorption issues and not my blood tests have shown that my vitamin D is going steadily up, my thyroid levels are back up, my iron is heading the right way for the first time in over 10 years and I haven’t had any heart palpitations in ages! Not only that, I don’t ache anymore.

When I first met Pamela, I struggled to say upright until coffee time but in the past couple of weeks I have been on two long, rocky, hilly walks without any problems...Not only that, my food issues have all but resolved.  I have learned techniques to use at times when I’m likely to face issues, I’ve tweaked my diet to avoid low blood sugar dips, and my binge eating is much improved.  I guess I will never be totally cured, but I am aware of when my danger times are and can hopefully take steps to avoid them by self-hypnosis and relaxation methods. I’ve also recently discovered that I am allergic to eggs so have become vegan.

This in itself poses new problems as I am having to work very hard to get all my nutrients through a vegan gluten free diet, but I am doing it, and am even beginning to slowly lose my lumpy bits around my middle! I am SO proud of myself!  I am bouncing in energy and life actually feels good again...

What would you say to someone considering working with Pamela?

Working with Pamela has been totally life changing... she has given me my life back…and I send her a massive hug from the bottom of my heart…

When we first started working together she asked me to answer a lot of questions. Today we went through those questions again and I can’t believe the difference in my answers compared with those I gave then. Not only that, she has been there for me the entire time. And when everyday life has thrown the odd issue my way, she has been there with support and advice, hypnosis, and relaxation techniques.


Thank you for sharing your experiences with us today Julia!

Thank you!


Stop struggling with your symptoms of the menopause alone! You don’t have to suffer. Contact me to find out more about how I can help you reclaim your life and feel utterly vibrant again, just like Julia.

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