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Why HRT Isn’t the Answer to the Menopause

Jun 08, 2017

There’s a woman I follow on Instagram who is taking HRT to deal with her menopausal symptoms. She’s proudly promoting it to anyone who will listen, saying that her breasts feel wonderful, her hair feels shiny and that she feels so sexy again.

The implication is that if you choose not to take HRT to ‘fix’ your menopausal symptoms, you can’t have any of the above. You can’t feel sexy, you can’t be happy and you’d be better off hiding away from the world.

As a passionate women’s health coach who believes in delivering balanced, science-based information, reading this post made me feel angry.

Because HRT really isn’t the answer to the menopause, and saying that you can’t feel sexy and wonderful without HRT is simply ridiculous and short-sighted.

Keep reading to find out why she got it all wrong about HRT, why you’d be better off staying away from it, why we need to shift our view of the menopause, and what you can do instead to feel gorgeous during those menopausal years and beyond.

The menopause isn't a sickness that needs to be fixed!

Before we dive into the reasons why it’s not such a good idea to take it, I’d like us to address something very important. And it’s this- the menopause isn’t a sickness that needs to be fixed. You’re not broken. You’re not less of a woman. You’re not getting old and frumpy.

Because the menopause is a completely natural part of the female life cycle, just like puberty, falling in love or even having a child (if you chose to).

Don’t listen to anyone else who tries to claim otherwise.

Yes, your doctor might try to ‘fix’ you, your friends might recommend HRT as the perfect answer to your problems, and the media might try to make us believe that you are less of a women once these peri-menopausal and menopausal changes happen.

When in actual fact, these symptoms you’re experiencing are, in some ways, a celebration of your reproductive life.

You’re still utterly gorgeous, you still have the wickedest laugh in the world and you still know how to make an amazing shepherd’s pie. None of that changes just because your hormones have started transitioning.

HRT is only a disguise for what’s really happening in your body

And you’re probably saying, ‘Yes, Pamela, I understand all that. But are you saying that I just need to ignore those menopausal symptoms that make me feel disgusting, old and embarrassed and just get on with things?

So please understand that’s not what I’m saying at all.

Because it’s never OK to feel like your body is your worse enemy. Nor is it OK to feel so horrible in your own skin that you wish you could turn back the clock again and regain your youthful beauty.

But HRT isn’t the answer.

Because ultimately, even if HRT makes your hair appear shinier or makes your breasts fuller for a while, it won’t last. It’s only a band aid that’s artificially concealing what’s really going on inside whilst the effects of taking this drug take their toll.

And when you stop taking it, when you rip it off, guess what happens?

That’s right- you have to deal with those hot sweats, weight gain, low libido, weight gain, depression, brain fog and insomnia all over again.

HRT might hide the problem for a while, but there’s no denying the final destination.

HRT carries health risks

I’m not saying that HRT isn’t right for everyone because we are all individuals with our own circumstances and needs and it’s up to us to choose what is right for our bodies.

But we also need to be aware that if we choose to go down the HRT route, we’ll leave ourselves vulnerable to a wide range of health problems. For example:

1) HRT can increase your risk of heart disease, circulation problems, stroke and certain cancers, dementia, mood changes, weight gain, headaches and migraines. For more information, please click this link.  

2) HRT stops you absorbing certain key nutrients from your diet such as vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and magnesium and also depletes your natural stores of these minerals. This impacts your bone health, your heart health, your mood, your energy levels and your sleep quality.

When you take into account the health risks, I really don’t believe that HRT is worth the impact is has on your health.

You don’t need artificial hormones to feel beautiful again

But there is another way to feel beautiful and sexy again that doesn’t involve taking hormone replacement therapy. It might be a bit less trendy and less easy than taking a pill and waiting for results, but it definitely has more of a long-lasting effect on your hormonal balance, your overall health, and your happiness.

You see, what really makes a difference to your experience of the menopause is the way you choose to handle it.

It’s whether you show your body and mind the love they deserve. It’s how much you care about nourishing your body with great foods. It’s moving your body in a way that keeps you active and lets you have fun at the same time. It’s managing your stress so that life doesn’t get on top of you, getting enough sleep and feeling like you are the master of your ship.

Treat yourself with loving kindness. Understand that the menopause is a natural part of your wonderful life. And instead of treating your symptoms with annoyance or despair, listen and allow them to tell you where you need to turn your attention so you can take control and feel beautiful without taking HRT.

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