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Easibirthing Hypnosis For Childbirth

How Can Hypnosis for Childbirth Help You?

I can help you to remain calm, confident and in control even when things don't go to plan. (aka. 'The Three Cs')

I'll support you and your birthing partner to a positive childbirth experience and put your pregnancy at the central part of your life, whether this is your first , second or third child, it really doesn't matter.

I use techniques such as NLP and hypnosis that will help you manage fear, and discomfort so you can have a safer, faster, more comfortable childbirth exercise, one to be shared together with your new family.   I will also guide to heal steadily  from the foods you eat and regain your shape and prevent long-term injury.

You will be calm, confident, and in control not only during your pregnancy and in labour, but also as a parent. As new parents, you'll feel well-equipped with proven practices,which will enable you to feel totally at peace even when things do not go to plan. My aim is to boost your confidence so that you manage rather than fear childbirth.